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Our first Friends of the Friarage Newsletter!

Vascular Birthmark Clinic

Thank you to all volunteers who came to take part in the photo session to celebrate the investment in a £35,000 state-of-the-art ultrasound machine for the Friarage’s Vascular Birthmark Clinic. 
The purchase was funded entirely by Friends of 
the Friarage for the clinic, which provides a 
national service, with some patients travelling 
especially to the Friarage to be treated by Lead 
Consultant Tobian Muir and his team.

Tesco Booksales raises £456.40

Throughout April and May we were the benefitting charity of Tesco Northallerton’s charity bookshelf. Our appeal for people to donate and buy a book or two after their shopping was a huge success and we raised a fantastic £456.40 for the charity. We are hoping to build on this success by partnering with other supermarkets who operate similar schemes. Next stop will be Tesco’s Catterick Superstore where we will be the chosen charity during September so please start stockpiling those books! Hand them in at the Hospital Shop or call the Admin team on 01609 762013 to leave them at the office.

Summer Events
Sunday 9th July was a busy day for us as we had not one, but two events to be a part of! Crafts in the Garden was held in the village of Tunstall near Catterick, with funds raised going to Friends of the Friarage. Many thanks to our Trustees Donna and Keeley for running the stand, the event raised £354.50 for our charity.

Northallerton Carnival was held on the same day with lots of family activities which included a fun run and car boot where the Friends had a stall. A huge thank you to our Trustee Lyn and Jan from Northallerton Rotary Club for running both the Friends’ and the Rotary Club’s stalls! £121.83 was raised on the day, thank you to everyone who donated items for the tombola and car boot for both events. 

Last, but not least was Jurassic Northallerton on Sunday 6th August where we had an action-packed stall full of cakes, snacks and fun games for children to enter. The day was a lot of fun and even the rain managed to hold off until the very end! Huge thanks go to everyone who gave up their time to make the event such a success, raising over £250 for Friends of the Friarage.

Proudly supporting the Friarage Hospital for 65 years.

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