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Thank you, Peter!

Peter's epic 65-mile swim challenge raises £1,237.00

It was so great to catch up with Peter at the Friarage following his epic 65-mile swim challenge for Friends of the Friarage. Peter raised a MASSIVE £1,237.00 for us - and we - and Peter - would like to thank every person and business that made a donation. 

We are so grateful to Peter for the sterling effort he put in - it can’t have been easy getting up on these cold, dark, winter mornings to swim approximately 2k all before heading off to work!

We’re really hoping this isn’t the last we’ll see of Peter but for now we’ll let him have a well-earned break!

Have you been inspired to set yourself a challenge and fundraise for Friends of the Friarage? Please get in touch if you have something in mind or would like some ideas - we’d love to hear from you!