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Les Miserables post-show collection donated to Eye Appeal

You may have seen that Crash Bang Wallop Youth Theatre held a post-show collection after their recent production of Les Miserables in memory of Terry Richardson, the father of Crash Bang Wallop’s Choreographer, Emma who died suddenly in February 2023.

We were recently presented with a very generous cheque for £1,108.98 from CBW Members and Terry’s family. Crash Bang Wallop’s Dan Brookes explained;

At our shows we often do bucket collections for local charities. This year’s Les Mis collection was rather special and very personal. We collected for Friends of the Friarage in memory of Terry Richardson (Emma’s Dad).  Les Mis was one of his favourites and he would have loved the show. Thanks to your generosity we raised an amazing £1108.98. Thank you all for supporting this fantastic local cause in Terry’s Memory.

Pictured outside the Friarage with our Co-chairs, Susan Watson and Tony Walters are; Sophie Hilton, Holly Hilton and Megan McLafferty and members of Terry’s family; Terry's wife; Ann Richardson, Terry's daughters; CBW Choreographer Emma Greenhalgh and Anthea Richardson-Owens and Terry's grandson; CBW Member Oliver Greenhalgh.

Thank you to everyone who donated to our appeal after the show!