Friarage Shop bookcase donated by Northallerton Men's Shed
We are absolutely delighted with the fantastic new bookcase at our Friarage Shop! 

Our customers love grabbing a book or two when visiting the Friarage and we needed something that could keep up with demand. The bookcase has been beautifully crafted by one of the founding members of Northallerton Men's Shed, Alan Andrews and was presented to us this week by Alan along with Northallerton Men’s Shed Chair, Dave Puttock. Alan explained that the Men's Shed's material and labour costs have been donated entirely to Friends of the Friarage.
Men’s Sheds Community Spaces is a great cause that originally started in Australia as a way to give ex-miners a chance to put their practical skills to use once they could no longer work, but more importantly, to help to stop the feeling of isolation and loneliness, become part of a community and to form friendships and have fun. Today there are around 1,000 Men's Sheds across Australia and over 1,100 here in the UK.
Northallerton Men's Shed currently have 58 male members, but also have 15 ladies amongst them too, with the ‘Ladies’ Shed’ being held on Friday mornings. The group can turn their hand to almost anything, with recent projects including new wooden window frames, Tiffany glass lamps, wood turning, signmaking and many more! Have a look at their Facebook page Northallerton Men's Shed to see more about what they offer and how to get involved!
A HUGE thank you to Alan, Dave and all who were involved in this project - we LOVE it!