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Class 4’s Coffee Morning at Sacred Heart Primary School

The children of Class 4 at Sacred Heart Primary School in Northallerton recently held a coffee morning to raise funds for our Eye Appeal, and raised a wonderful £253.59!

Class teacher Elisha Holmes came up with the idea of doing something to support a local charity and split the class into three teams; tasking each of them with finding a charity they would like to support. The three causes the teams selected were; a grass roots football charity, a wildlife charity and Friends of the Friarage's Eye Appeal.

As part of the project, each team then had to research their chosen charity and present to the class why they should vote for their cause, with the team receiving the most votes for their charity being the winners.

‘Team Friends of the Friarage’ was an all-girls team who put together a wonderful presentation explaining all about the Eye Appeal and what it would mean to patients to be able to have treatment closer to home at the Friarage, rather than having to travel further afield to James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough.

Miss Holmes explained how the vote was extremely close, with Friends of the Friarage winning by 3 votes, while the remaining charities came joint second and third. Two of the girls in the winning team have a personal connection to the Friarage having a Mum and Aunty who work there - making Friends of the Friarage an obvious choice for them to support.Once the charity was chosen, they then had to decide on a fundraising event and agreed on a Coffee Morning to be held at the school. The children wasted no time getting stuck in to baking delicious treats such as flapjacks, cookies, iced buns and crispy cakes to name a few and got into the fundraising spirit by adding further activities with a ‘Guess the number of Sweets’ jar and a ‘Name the Teddy’. What a successful morning they had – raising £253.59 which the school have told us is the most they’ve ever raised at a coffee morning! Miss Holmes told us,

I am incredibly Proud of Class 4 for their outstanding efforts in researching, organising and hosting the coffee morning for their own chosen charity. Their hard work and commitment brought people together, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that celebrates our school ethos and values. These young people have shown the power of teamwork and generosity and their dedication to supporting others leaves me to believe they will achieve truly remarkable things in the future. Well done Class 4! 

What an amazing achievement Class 4 – a huge WELL DONE from all of us at Friends of the Friarage!

See more photos here: