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Charity football match raises £2,008 for Eye Appeal!

Carlton Stores organised the match in aid of our Eye Appeal along with support from the local community

Celia and Rosie recently headed to Carlton Stores near Thirsk to accept the very generous amount of £2,008.89 which was raised at a charity football match organised by Cath and her family from Carlton Stores in aid of our Eye Appeal.

Cath has been a huge supporter of our appeal since its launch, kicking off their fundraising efforts with an Easter raffle back in April, followed by a huge three-day jumble sale in June. Those events raised £202 and £1,523.40 respectively, meaning that with the funds raised at the football match Cath has raised a grand total of £3,734.29 for us! We are so grateful to Cath, her family and friends and the community of Carlton Miniott for continuing to support us in our mission to bring vitreo-retinal eye surgery treatment to the Friarage and asked her why she is so keen to help. She told us,


"As soon as you say the Friarage then people get behind it, it's about giving back. We have a wonderful NHS service and we're lucky to be able to support it. It was hard work for us organising the event, but not as hard as the doctors and nurses who work to keep us healthy. We're happy to support the Friarage as much as we can."


Think you've got what it takes to match Cath's fundraising skills?! We'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch if you would like to support our appeal, you can find our contact details here

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