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A truly HEARTwarming story!

Friends of the Friarage fund an ECG unit for the Children’s Hub at the Friarage Hospital Northallerton

We recently headed over to the Children’s Outpatients department at the Friarage to see how the ECG unit funded by Friends of the Friarage is being utilised and what benefits it has brought.

The ECG, short for electrocardiogram, was a much needed, brand new piece of equipment for the Children’s Hub, as they previously didn’t have one at all.

Ward Sister, Jenny Foster and Children’s Hub Manager, Clare Welford, explained how previously they would have to try to borrow an ECG from the Friarage’s Urgent Treatment Centre or Cardiology department. This would not always be possible, or practical to have staff moving around the hospital to locate it.

Children in need of an ECG scan would most likely have to be referred to Cardiology. As this is an adult-ward, it was not an easy place for children to have to wait around in and could be upsetting for them without the sounds and comforts of the toys and books in the waiting room at the Children’s Hub. Jenny told us,

“It has been such a wonderful addition to have the ECG here, it has made a huge difference to what we are able to do. It means that children can come to their appointment without having to go to Cardiology and be in a much less frightening environment for them.”


Another benefit is that Cardiology are now having to see fewer patients.

Jenny explained to us that now that the machine is readily available to use on the ward, an impromptu scan can be performed there and then with results the same day, therefore lessening an anxious wait for parents for results or having to return for another appointment. She also told us that an unexpected yet welcome result of having the ECG is that while the child is being examined, certain other factors or conditions may be picked up on as a result of staff being trained to look out for certain flags, which may not have been picked up if the child had been seen on an adult ward.

All staff in the Children’s Hub are trained in how to use the ECG, which has brought personal benefits to their skillset and means that there is never a shortage on the ward of someone to carry out a test.

We’re so thrilled to have been able to fund this vital piece of equipment which means that children can be treated closer to home, in the comfort of a dedicated children’s area, and with same day diagnosis resulting in a smaller number of appointments and children missing fewer days off school.

It could not have been made possible without the generous donations we receive. To help us be able to continue our work please see the different ways in which you can donate here. Thank you!

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