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Musicality Christmas Concert raises £1,039.45 for Eye Appeal

Thank you to everyone who came to our 'Step into Christmas' concert with Musicality - Richmond Ladies' Choir. We had such a fun, festive afternoon filled with carols, comedy and a little bit of panto! The choir wowed us all with their stunning set of Christmas songs and beautiful solos, duets and trios.✨🎄

Thank you to Friends of the Friarage trustee, Kerry, who did a fantastic job as our host, and as always a huge thank you to our volunteers for helping to make the event such a sucess. The concert raised an impressive £1,039.45 which takes us ever closer to our £200,000 eye appeal target. Lastly, a huge thank you to 🎼 Musicality 🎼  for choosing to support us this year, they were absolutely fantastic!

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